
Interesting Worlds


Ksenia Mizonova

Ksenia Mizonova


My name is Mizonova Ksenia and my Chinese name is Qiu Sha.I was born on November 8, 1996 in Kovrov, a small town in the Vladimir region, Russia. I have been interested in Asian countries and cultures since middle school. In order to get a better understanding of Asia, after graduating from high school, I successfully entered the St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

St. Petersburg State University of economics is one of the best economic universities in Russia and Europe. The reason I chose this university is to learn Chinese language and the economic situation of Asian countries. Since 2014, I was a student in the school of Foreign Regional Studies of St. Petersburg State Economic University, majoring in the economy, humanities and culture of countries in the Asia-Pacific region, especially China.

In addition to my studies, I was participating in the activities of China and Asia Pacific Research Center, organizing meetings and assisting international students from China. In 2016, with the help of the China and Asia Pacific Research Center, I had the opportunity to study Chinese language in China. I studied Chinese for a year at Beijing Foreign Studies University. After returning home, I interned at the Ministry of foreign affairs of the government of St. Petersburg. Through my internship experience at the Ministry, I have become more proficient in English and Chinese. In the process of writing my dissertation, I found that I did not know enough about China, so I decided to study abroad and pursue a master's degree at Renmin University of China. From 2018 to 2020, I was an international student at Renmin University of China studying international business in terms of the “Belt and Road” strategy. In order to get more professional experience, I interned at Beijing DHH law firm. During this internship I have gained valuable experience, learned how to work with official documents and translations, got the basic knowledge of working in Chinese company, experienced the process of exchange between China and Russia.

Remote Control

I choose this item because I believe that in future all things inside our houses will be controlled by remote control: lights, TV, computer, furniture, doors and windows. This technology already exists, but in future it will be more accessible for everybody.


In my opinion in the future people will be able to travel more often, transport will be more developed and safe, countries will open their borders and cancel visa system.


I believe that in the future medicine will be really developed, on the level that one capsule of medicine will help people cure a lot of illnesses at one time.


In my opinion this technology will only continue to spread in all aspects of our life. People will not be able to imagine their everyday routine without it; like communication, studying, work, traveling. People will be able to use Wi-Fi in every part of our planet.


I think people will learn how to better interact with nature. Times when we cut down trees for production purposes will pass, we will use another ecological material. People can use trees like WIFI routers and make life more comfortable.

Central Territory: Grassland

Climate changes is a huge topic in our days, we are more frequently suffering from natural disasters. I think in future with help technologies people will be able to control weather and climate conditions. It doesn’t matter in which part of planet we will be living, there is always going to be sunny and warm weather with multiple plants, flowers and green grass all around.