
Interesting Worlds


Cecilia Ivanier Varela

Cecilia Ivanier Varela


Cecilia Ivanier Varela (1989). Uruguayan performing artist, cultural manager and English teacher. Certified as an actress (Intituto de Actuación de Montevideo - IAM), cultural manager (Universidad CLAEH) and English teacher (CerTESOL - Dickens Institute). Independent training in contemporary dance with different teachers: Andrea Arobba (UY), David Zambrano (VE), Carolina Besuievsky (UY), Ayara Hernández (UY), among others. Professionally working in performing arts since 2009 in more than 20 pieces, either as performer, co-director or producer. Co-producer in “Tomada urbana” street art festival in Montevideo, Uruguay. Cecilia worked for seven years as scenic co-director in musicals at Ivy Thomas Memorial School (The Lion King, Matilda, Mamma Mia, Across the universe, Grease, Fame, Step in time). Co-producer in POLEN - cultural management agency- since 2020.


Our collective brain, the one we develop when we act as a whole. From a small neighborhood to a global scale. We are humans in relation, in community. The development of ideas and solutions to the present and upcoming problems need to be visualized from a collective point of view. As citizens, we should take more part in decision making.


Love, tenderness. Communication. To create our present and our future, I think we really need to connect more with love and fraternity/sorority. To solve our humanitarian problems, it is necessary to develop more empathy towards the others, to look ourselves in the eye and understand our fears, hopes, necessities, desires. We are all human beings, flesh and bones, heart and brain.


Connectivity is already giving us the possibility to gather and exchange ideas as a collective. I once heard that we are still in a kind of adolescent relationship with the internet. I hope for a future where we realize more that it is an amazing tool to empower ourselves globally and fight for what we want as a society.


I choose this fruit as a symbol of healthy food. In South America there is a huge social and economic inequality. Food sovereignty or access to lands for self cultivation is not possible for everyone. In this pandemic, the social and economical rift has expanded. In Uruguay, plenty of "ollas populares" (popular cooking pots) have emerged in order to palliate the crisis. I dream of a future where access to food is possible for everyone, no matter where you come from or what you do. It is a human right and we need to understand that the idea of "working hard" for what you want or need is not enough, some people just come from really difficult contexts and it is extremely difficult to move forward or even get the basic needs in order to survive. Governments and us as citizens should observe and analyse this in context and act in consequence.


I choose a brick as a symbol of equal access to housing for the population. I once read a graffiti that said: "Tanta casa sin gente, tanta gente sin casa" (so many houses without people, so many people without houses).

Central Territory: Soil.

I definitely choose fertile soil, where all the magic happens. Where we put a small seed and it is transformed into food. I visualize a future with fertile lands, where diversity of fruits and vegetables are grown. And where the lands don't belong to a few corporations, but to as many people as possible.