
Interesting Worlds


Brad Miller

Brad Miller


Brad Miller is a visual artist, curator and educator who works with technology and networks to create moving pictures and large-scale interactive installations about memory and time in an exploration of identity. His artistic practice bridges the fields of media arts, participatory urban media architecture, software development and expanded photography. Structured by code, the content of his installations comprises original and crowd sourced photographic images and sounds. They are typically situated in large architectural spaces and has exhibited in group shows at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, Ars Electronica, Linz, Central Academy of Fine Art Museum Beijing, Art Gallery of NSW, Pompidou in Paris, Kiasma Contemporary Art Museum Helsinki and the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA), Sydney.


I can’t help but be reminded of the concepts, metaphors and observations brought to the arts and humanities by Cybernetics. In the future, human societies will need to find more nuanced and timely ways to incorporate feedback and the needs of governance to reinforce divinity and dignity in the creative act, beyond self-realisation at the expense of everything else that lives on the planet.


As a pertinent symbol, the hypodermic syringe probably could not be overstated in late 2020. But as a metaphor it has lingering powers of strange fruits. In the future the syringe metaphor of injecting and hybridization will continue to evolve beyond the Vernian ‘Voyages Extraordinaire’ and towards a realisation that, as continuous probability analysis demonstrates time and time again, nature is a distribution curve and there is only a spectrum and never an absolute concrete entity with sharply defined edges. The closer we look the more it dissolves into a fuzzy becoming.


The umbrella encompasses a network of associated desires to be taken seriously as a purposeful actor in society. Simple arithmetic doesn’t lie. In the future, meaningful collective decision making will need to correspondingly adapt; meaning however long it takes it will ultimately be absorbing into the platform and championed as their own decision.


Scanning and/or searching as a beam or shaft of light illuminating objects and scenes surrounded by the total blackness. In the future searchlights will be replaced by LEDs and lasers as the world of the analogue transitions to the world of the solid state. The solid state is where the searchlight does seem to be able to cut through but rather the solid state searchlight is fuzzy and indeterminate. The solid state searchlight appears to bend and go round obstacles or perhaps not see obstacles at all. Perhaps in the future solid state searchlight will rather than reveal will cloak what it points at.


Initiate or the initial condition; a state of starting from a known point in space-time. In the future we will think of ‘execution’ not as to initiate and process, or extinguish an existence, but rather the process of collaborative coupling to induce a corresponding effect between societies and peoples. To ‘enter into’ rather than execute a warrant or process of a becoming person; to enter into becoming human or to enter into becoming other(s).

Central Territory: sand

I think of sand as a constitute of a future materiality as always already imbedded in a line of flight from an elongated, ground-down deep time. Australia is covered in sand and surrounded on it; fringed by it, with some of the most ancient fragment of Hadean zircons. Sand awaits reconfigurations into yet another quartz-pebble metaconglomerate as part of a megacity in east Asia.