
Interesting Worlds


Annika Walsh

Annika Walsh


Annika Walsh is an interdisciplinary artist who is currently completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Ottawa. Born in Chuzhou, Anhui, China, she was adopted at 11 months of age by her family in Canada and has lived in Ottawa ever since. Annika’s art practice incorporates her cultural identity and her passion for all things culinary. She blurs the boundaries of the art canon, creates intricate media art pieces, while challenging traditional materials and authorship along the way. She mixes different types of technology in collaborative environments with creators from multiple disciplines. Her emotional range slowly climbs (and rapidly descends) the metaphorical mountain that is today’s world.


The ear is attached to the human body and allows us to listen. It is one form of receiving information, however some bodies function differently which means some people may rely on other forms of communication over hearing. While still acknowledging the hearing impaired community, I find that the ear is a global symbol for “I am listening”. The act of listening and conscious absorption of information is vital for human relationship growth. Innovation stems from wanting to make the world a more efficient environment for everyone, and we need to listen to each other’s needs in order to bring that need forward in the creative and production process.

Kitchen Knife

The kitchen knife is often found at the centre and heart of cooking. Food and taste is what defines culture. Without this central form of unity, it would be difficult to connect with other humans. Food and cooking allows us to share, participate, and collaborate. The idea of fusion, combining different styles and flavours to create something new. The knife is vital in the kitchen to physically break down ingredients. Not just for prepping, but also at the table using a knife to break up bigger chunks to smaller bits. That action of breaking down food or ideas into more digestible pieces is an important analogy for innovation processes.


When you connect to WIFI, you are connecting yourself to much more than you think you are. WIFI allows you to have access to things like the internet, it constantly opens doors for us in terms of communication and information. Connecting to the same network as people in your local community but also allowing you to connect with other people across the world. WIFI lets you see what you might not be able to see otherwise. WIFI lets you experience something you may not be able to experience otherwise. WIFI lets me do school online. WIFI brings opportunities and hope.


The telescope is a tool used to see what is beyond our general existence. In order to be innovative, you need to be able to use your tools to see what is possible. Outer space is such a general term when you think about it. We are never going to reach the end of discovering new things. We like to think we know everything there is to know about the world and our presence on Earth. An innovative individual would accept the fact that we will forever not understand everything. They would pick up their metaphorical telescope and peer into the abyss to get inspired.

Emergency Exit

The emergency exit is in every established space, whether that be a museum or a private home. There is always a way out. Although, we are currently slowly destroying our Earth’s climate health. We should not need an emergency exit for our planet. Fear and safety is the creation origin of the emergency exit. In case of emergencies, exit here for your life. It instils a small amount of relief knowing there is an escape plan. There is a lot of global fear circulating us right now. We unfortunately do not have an emergency exit for this (what seems like an uncontrollable pandemic). In order to restore hope and reduce fear, we need to acknowledge the ways we can save our planet, and that in a way is an emergency exit.

Central Territory: Snow

I chose snow as my central territory because I resonated with the description of it. A sign of hope is what we need and what we always need. It allows us to have room to feel inspired and innovate. Snow is also a sign of natural elements and it presents us with the barrier or opportunity of interaction with natural elements. When we walk in the snow our footprints are tracked. The idea that we have this visual and physical indication of our traces is also appealing to me.

Each of the objects I have chosen are important to me on their own but also as representations of what they provide for us.